6th Grade
Pre AP: Thief and the Beanstalk
Regular: Seventh Grade Weirdo
All: Seedfolks
All: Watsons Go to Birmingham
7th Grade
Regular: Bearstone
Pre AP: Light in the Forest
Pre AP: Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
All: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
8th Grade
Regular: The Outsiders
Pre AP: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
ORDER the books with this order form. Print, fill out, and send with payment to the Library by Friday, August 26, 2011. A portion of the proceeds will go to the library! I will deliver the books to your students in their English classes by the following week :)
Visit the form here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BySe4R9Txx0iN2E5ZGQ2MjctY2ZiNi00NmI2LWIzZTEtZjljMWJjZGY2Yzk3&hl=en_US